Business Case Development
A good Business Case underpins effective governance
The Situation
You're the Sponsor of a major programme or project, but you don't have time to personally be involved in the development of a good Business Case.
The CFO is implementing a policy of 'booking the benefits' claimed in Business Cases, which will have significant impact on you if the initiative doesn't proceed as described inthe Business Case.
The four most common criticisms of Business Cases are:
- The Business Case doesn't describe the full scope of work required to achieve the desired outcome and associated benefits;
- Cost estimates are too optimistic, and were developed without reference to the people who will have to do the work;
- Benefits estimates are too optimistic, and were developed with little or no rigour;
- Risk assessments are too optimistic, and there is no management reserve;
- The Business Case is used as a funding justification tool, rather than as the core control underpinning effective governance.
Our Approach
We use the guidance provided by the Better Business Cases, Managing Benefits, MSP and M_o_R products, and our expertise in workshop facilitation in Government, industrial, Defence and commercial environments, to develop a robust Business Case for your programme or project. And we can review existing Business Cases, and where necessary recommend and implement improvements.
To find out more about our approach to Business Case development, contact us today.