Better Business Cases TM Courses

What is an investment proposal?

An investment proposal is a text document or presentation designed to generate interest and support for a new initiative that will be delivered as a project or programme.

An investment proposal should clearly explain the value proposition to investors and pro-actively address any concerns they may have. It should document how the approaches to be taken and the solutions to be delivered were explored, demonstrate the return on the investment, and quantify the funding requirements.

At an organisational level, a systematic approach to investment proposal development allows the organisation to compare multiple investment proposals in a balanced manner, and select the optimal investment mix.

Many organisations refer to investment proposals as 'business cases'.

What is Better Business Cases?

Better Business Cases is a systematic and objective approach to all stages of the investment proposal development process. It allows stepwise refinement of the investment proposal.

The Better Business Cases guidance is based on the Five Cases Model, the UK government’s best practice approach to structuring investment proposals and enabling effective business decisions. This provides a step by step guide to developing the investment logic supporting the investment proposal, by:

  • Establishing a clear justification for intervention - a case for change - and setting clear objectives - what you want to achieve from the investment;
  • Considering a wide range of potential solutions - ensuring an optimal balance of benefits, cost and risk;
  • Ensuring that all parties involved in the initiative are committed to the initiative and understand their obligations;
  • Ensuring that the funding needs of the investment are understood and can be met;
  • Designing arrangements to successfully deliver the proposal.

Better Business Cases also provides an Options Framework that can be used to generate and assess a wide range of options for projects and programmes.

Our courses are based on the 2016 edition of Better Business Cases and the associated International Guide to the Project Business Case. Better Business Cases now also provides guidance on developing programme Business Cases, which we have enhanced using our deep knowledge of programme management and the MSP programme management method.

Our courses

We offer three Change Management Version 3 courses, each with a range of delivery modes - in-house classroom, self study and eLearning:

What our courses cover

Our Better Business Cases courses equip individuals with the knowledge, proven methods and techniques to:

  • Introduction to BBC: Overview of the Better Business Cases methodology and its importance.
  • The Five Cases Model: Detailed explanation of the five sections of a Business Case (Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial, and Management cases).
  • Strategic case: Identifying the need for investment and aligning it with organisational strategy.
  • Economic case: Assessing value for money and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Commercial case: Evaluating the viability and feasibility of the investment.
  • Financial case: Ensuring affordability and financial sustainability.
  • Management case: Planning for successful delivery and risk management.
  • Business Case development stages: Steps from Indicative Business Case to Implementation Business Case.
  • Risk assessment: Conducting risk profile assessments and strategic assessments.
  • Practical applications: Real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the application of BBC principles.

Why you should take our courses

The purpose of our courses is to provide a robust foundation of knowledge for anyone involved in developing business cases. Successful candidates will have the knowledge and understanding necessary to contribute constructively to teams developing investment proposals.

Benefits for individuals

  • Enhanced decision-making skills: Gain the ability to develop comprehensive and robust business cases that lead to better-informed decisions.
  • Increased employability: Mastering BBC principles can make you a valuable asset to organisations, enhancing your career prospects.
  • Improved project success: Learn to identify and mitigate risks, ensuring your projects are more likely to succeed.
  • Financial acumen: Develop a deeper understanding of financial planning, budgeting, and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Strategic thinking: Strengthen your strategic planning abilities, aligning projects with organisational goals for maximum impact.

Benefits for organisations

  • Consistent approach: BBC provides a standardised approach to developing business cases, ensuring uniformity and clarity across the organisation.
  • Enhanced accountability: BBC promotes transparency and accountability in decision-making processes, leading to better resource allocation.
  • Improved project outcomes: BBC increases the likelihood of project success by ensuring thorough analysis and consideration of all relevant factors.
  • Cost efficiency: BBC helps identify and select the most cost-effective and beneficial projects, maximising value for money.
  • Strategic alignment: BBC ensures that investments in projects and programmes are aligned with the organisation's strategic objectives and goals.

Why we are the best value

Our Better Business Cases courses provide you with a robust framework for development of investment proposals. They are presented in a clear, predictable manner with key concepts reinforced and broken down into manageable sections, making them enjoyable courses.

We recognise that studying and sitting exams can be a stressful time on top of the day-to-day commitments of our lives. Therefore the structure and flow of the course provides predictability and confidence that the learner will be able to plan and manage their own learning experience and to grasp key concepts quickly. This results in being confident in your ability to pass the certification exams and to be able to apply what has been learnt to work practice.

And we are able to offer one-on-one tutor support to those taking our Self Study and eLearning courses, so you won't feel isolated, and can clear up any aspects of the course content or its application in your organisation that may be causing concern.

Our courses were developed by Geoff Rankins, our Lead Trainer and Instructional Designer. He has worked in project management for more than 40 years, and has been a Practitioner of Better Business Cases since 2013 when it was first offered by APMG. Inspiring Projects was the first BBC Accredited Training Organisation in the world. His systematic approach to courseware and eLearning development is recognised by many Accredited Training Organisations and fellow trainers globally. Our Self Study and eLearning courses are based on our classroom courses; the eLearning format allows us to add content to most sessions that increases the value and clarity of what is being covered.

Choose the course that suits your needs ...

... with a wide range of additional options

We have developed a wide range of associated short courses, workshops and executive briefings, including:

  • An executive briefing on the features and benefits of Better Business Cases, and adoption issues;
  • An awareness briefing for project management professionals who do not require certification;
  • A short course for portfolio programme and project office staff and CoE members;
  • A workshop on how to facilitate a workshop;
  • A workshop on the Five Cases Model and the Options Framework;
  • A workshop on integrating Better Business Cases into existing project and programme management methods.

These courses are delivered in-house for groups. Please contact us for more information.

Better Business CasesTM is a trade mark of Her Majesty's Treasury.
The APMG-International Better Business Cases and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited and Her Majesty's Treasury.

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